Social responsibility

ExtractumPharma is a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer and distributor in Bács-Kiskun County. We are committed to the development of Kunfehértó and its region, and in 2022 the company was awarded the “For Kunfehértó Municipality” distinction. Our employees are mainly from families living in the surrounding towns and within a 100 km radius of Kunfehértó. A quarter of our employees have been working for the company for more than 10 years, many of them are founding pillars of the company since its inception.

ExtractumPharma Zrt. is a family-friendly workplace. We consider it crucial that our employees are not just individuals, but people who care about their families and loved ones – we know and understand their everyday problems, and just as they are committed to our values, we are there for them when they need support and help. ExtractumPharma places great emphasis on the creation and continuous improvement of an ergonomic working environment at all times. Our workplace benefits are outstanding in the region. ExtractumPharma Zrt. plays a role in supporting local community programmes. It gives preference to local businesses in its investments, thus supporting the development of the region.

ExtractumPharma International Men’s Youth Football Tournament

For the thirteenth time, the ExtractumPharma Carpathian Cup was held on the first weekend of December 2022, which has become a meeting place for young Hungarian athletes from within the borders of Hungary and beyond over the past decade.

ExtractumPharma Family Day 2022

We finally had the opportunity to spend a day with our employees and their families once again after the pandemic.