
Since the foundation of our company, we have put great emphasis on ensuring continuous for sustainable development. Largely based on our own resources and application grants, the manufacturing plant at Kunfehértó has witnessed continuous development, modernization and expansion. Over the past 10 years, more than 70% of the earnings was reinvested. When investing, an important factor for us was to involve local businesses as much as possible.

As a leading SME in the Hungarian pharmaceutical industry, we are committed to ensuring our country’s pharmaceutical supply. As a workplace employing nearly 250 people, we owe it to our employees to continuously improve their working conditions and support their professional development. As a pharmaceutical manufacturer and production company located in the heart of the Kiskunság National Park, operating in an environmentally conscious way and rationalising our ecological footprint is of paramount importance to us. By producing and distributing appropriate, safe and effective generic medicines, we contribute to the fight against diseases and to improving the quality of life.

The framework for our responsibility is set out in our related policies.